Writer Terri Daxon recently published a column asking one question to all five candidates for Brea City Council. She simply asked them, “What is the main challenge facing Brea and how you address or solve it?”
Here is what Kari Windes had to say:
Brea generally practices fiscal restraint. The interest in maintaining the city coffers, by any amount, has caused the city to advocate most development ideas, regardless of overall safety, water usage, traffic, etc. One example? The proposal to change Gaslight Square’s zoning, across from Laurel School. Many citizens are asking for no change to the zoning from Commercial/Professional to Mixed Use III, which would allow ANY drive-thru with a permit. Why? A drive-thru creates a high-traffic, unsafe, distracted environment around the neighborhood and children.
Brea’s Chamber of Commerce can advocate for business. The Brea City Council works for ALL voters of Brea.
To read the full article and see what the other candidates had to say, check it out here.